Smart and safe bus stop by Teleste extends LuxTurrim5G pilot ecosystem in Espoo

Teleste has built a smart and safe bus stop at the Nokia Campus in Espoo, Finland, as a part of the LuxTurrim5G ecosystem. The innovative bus stop has been designed to improve safety and security for public places through Teleste’s newly launched Connected Zone concept that was introduced in October during Teleste’s Security Seminar in Sweden, where the concept will continue to be developed and tested as a part of Teleste’s Smart City offering.

By means of video surveillance and high-capacity 5G connectivity, the smart and safe bus stop addresses one of today’s growing everyday challenges: the feeling of unsafety many people experience, e.g., in public places or when using public transport. Please watch our video to learn more about how the could be turned into practise and how the bus stops could work as a part of the Connected Zone safety concept.

Read the whole story from the press release

Fresh news article in Tekniikka & Talous 23.11.2018 (in Finnish): 5G-bussipysäkki turvaa lähiötä – Kuvaa videota suoraan valvojille, jotka voivat kutsua poliisin

More about Teleste and LuxTurrim5G in Turun Sanomat 22.11.2018

Teleste’s smart and safe bus stop in Stockholm

Teleste’s smart and safe bus stop in Stockholm