LuxTurrim5G Smart light pole network in active testing phase

The LuxTurrim5G Smart Light Pole concept, based on 5G small cells integrated to smart light poles together with selected sensors and related services, have been demonstrated in field trials. Recently two new versions of integrated Smart Light Poles have been built and implemented as part of the test network at Nokia campus in Espoo, now consisting of four smart 5G light poles in operation, smart bus stop, active displays, electric car charging unit and a separate weather station.

Smart Light Pole concept enables new digital services

Several different concept versions of the LuxTurrim5G smart light pole have been studied during the project. The poles carry millimetre wave radios, air quality sensors, cameras, displays, etc. (see schematic in figure below) supported by a service platform with edge computing capabilities. Together these provide a platform for several new services for smart city.

A variety of potential services and smart city use cases have been so far studied using the platform to create important early phase understanding of new market opportunities for participating companies.

“Examples of the services implemented in the project include sensor device monitoring and management, video analytics including person anonymisation in video feeds from surveillance cameras, climate and air quality analysis and visualisation, seamless positioning for machines and humans, info sharing by active screens aware of human presence, and smart lighting control”, says Pekka Wainio, LuxTurrim5G project leader at Nokia Bell Labs. “Of course, many other services and their combinations can be built on top of the platform, for instance, control of autonomous vehicles to enable effective and sustainable modern urban transport”, he continues.

LuxTurrim5G small cell technology will also enable accurate positioning and navigation services in challenging environments. Modern buildings fit this description; the coverage of the antennas in 5G light poles must reach indoors by penetrating new selective window glass. The project has been verifying the technology’s effectiveness in this regard through radio propagation measurement campaigns with the aid of drones, automated cars, and indoor measuring robots.

In addition to this, the complex business environment and new business opportunities of digital smart city ecosystem has been studied extensively in the project. The focus has been especially in studying how do individual companies can create value to the ecosystem and make a successful global business case in this new digital operation environment. The results have given valuable insights for the participating companies on how to approach the new business opportunities enabled by the 5G small cell smart city environments.

Pole schematics and Current Pole version at Nokia Campus, Espoo

Pole schematics and Current Pole version at Nokia Campus, Espoo

Extension of the Smart Light Pole network planned

The Smart Light Pole network will be extended at Nokia Campus in Espoo soon. The current plan includes 15 new light poles which will cover the route from the Nokia Campus to the Kera railway station. This is related to the plan made together with City of Espoo as part of the next phase of LuxTurrim5G project.

Teleste’s Connected Zone, smart bus stop concept, will be also exploited further and currently it has been agreed that two additional Connected Zone bus stops will be built to the site. The innovative bus stop has been designed to improve safety and security for public places. With the new bus stops the project also anticipates the pilot of an autonomous bus route that is being planned for this summer as a part of the LuxTurrim5G test network.  

“It’s really exciting to be a part of the LuxTurrim5G project and we look forward to our future collaboration. Piloting the smart and safe bus stop at the Nokia Campus has been highly successful and we are pleased to go forward with expanding the use of Connected Zone within the ecosystem”, tells Stig Waldemarsson, Director of VSI Scandinavia at Teleste Sweden. The Connected Zone concept was launched in 2018 and it has been piloted as part of LuxTurrim5G at Nokia Campus in Espoo, Finland and in Stockholm, Sweden, where the first commercial implementations are expected later this year.


Results to be showcased widely in LuxTurrim5G Impact Day

The current phase of LuxTurrim5G project is about to end at the end of May 2019. To showcase all the project results, LuxTurrim5G consortium will organize an interactive Impact Day event at Nokia Campus for invited key stakeholders on May 28th, 2019.

If interested in participating the event, please contact: pekka.torvinen(at)