Meet us at 5G Test Network Finland (5GTNF) demo seminar 15.11.2018

LuxTurrim5G will be present at the 5GTNF (5G TEST NETWORK FINLAND) demo seminar 15.11.2018 in Aalto University (A-grid Otakaari 5 A, 02150 Espoo) to highlight our recent findings and results as posters, videos and various demos.

our project partners will showcase half a dozen different demos and presentations including e.g. smart city planning, video analytics and positioning demos, posters on business studies and radio signal propagation through materials and - last but not least - a small smart-city challenge game with a price to one winner(!).

In the morning session there will also be an overview presentation of LuxTurrim5G. The LuxTurrim5G demos are open all day.

The event is free of charge. Register here: and be there!

PROGRAM (Thursday 15.11.2018, Aalto University (A-grid) Otakaari 5 A, 02150 Espoo)

  • 9.00-9.15: Opening and introduction to Business Finland strategy and programs (Business Finland)

  • 9.15-9.30: 5GTNF results and plans overview (VTT)

  • 9.30-12.00: Key results and demos, utilization possibilities (project managers)
    • 5G Test Network – 5GTN
    • Critical Operations over Regular Networks – CORNET
    • Wireless for Verticals – WIVE
    • Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communications for Industrial Internet, Manufacturing and Automation – TAKE-5G
    • Building key enablers for a Digital Smart City – LuxTurrim5G
    • Intelligent 3D measurements, analysis and automation for 5G beamforming solutions using Unmanned Aircraft System – IMAGE 5G

  • 12.00-13.00: Lunch

  • 13.00-16.00: Demo session